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Crisis Prevention


Reputational and operational crises pose a significant threat to companies and organisations. Close networking of media and stakeholders requires reactions in real time. Therefore, an active issues management and strategic preparation for crises are imperative.

Our approach

Good crisis prevention makes an organisation more agile. We create a crisis management system that is operationally, strategically and communicatively interlinked. We proceed systematically, carefully and thoughtfully:




We collect all relevant information on existing issues, stakeholders and stakeholder expectations of your organisation. Among other things, we evaluate internal documents and conduct interviews with the relevant people.



We assess your organisation in the dimensions of structures, processes, instruments, capabilities and environment. For this purpose, we conduct micro-tests, workshops and trainings.



We define an issues assessment process suitable for you, draw up the necessary structural changes and create an interface with operational crisis management.



We implement new structures and processes, introduce tools and train your staff in them.



We test the implemented preventive measures extensively in everyday life, through tests and, if necessary, within the framework of one or more large-scale crisis simulations. This is how we ensure that all sources of error are detected and eliminated.

Crisis prevention for companies

Specific planning: It is not plans that manage crises, but people. However, people work better with a plan. In order for it to work in a crisis, the plan must be simple, well desigend and understood. After we have analysed the initial situation in your company, we derive the structures, processes and roles that are helpful in special situations.

Helpful instructions: In exceptional situations, the usual management processes often lose their effectiveness. We define special reporting channels, decision trees, crisis structures and strategic guard rails to reduce the error rate as best as possible. For this purpose, we evaluate existing crisis manuals or create new ones. Since crises are often phases of high psychological pressure, we conduct audits, simulations or workshops. This is how we ensure that the plans fit the people.

Resilient Task Force: Classical communication structures are subjected to an extreme stress test in the event of a crisis – even small mistakes can then cause great damage to the company. Together with those responsible, we develop a professional crisis team that allows the organisation to act quickly and efficiently even under high situational pressure. In doing so, we define staff units according to role, function and necessity.

Knowledge of stakeholders: Groups of people with the most diverse demands on the company organise themselves particularly quickly in crisis situations – then inaccurate communication can lead to uncontrollable reactions. We develop a detailed overview of relevant stakeholders and identify key players and interfaces. The stakeholder analysis enables precise communication that meets the information needs of the individual stakeholders.

Consistent communication: A well-founded “Questions & Answers” document efficiently meets the information needs of stakeholders and is thus a resilient instrument for internal and external communication. We analyse problematic issues and important stakeholders, evaluate the potential for conflict and write precise, standardised answers to critical questions. As a result, those responsible have an overview of all relevant issues and are ready to speak within a short time in the event of a crisis.

Recommendation of service providers: Systematic media monitoring is a highly effective means of crisis prevention: changes in public opinion are signalled at an early stage and can be influenced in a targeted manner through communicative measures. We work together with renowned service providers and recommend the most suitable provider in each case on the basis of special benchmark tests.

Fast provision of additional information: If a company does not inform quickly and comprehensively in the event of a crisis, this can provoke misunderstandings and misinformation. We design and maintain dark sites, which are activated for the public if required. This modified version of the company website can contain, among other things, text modules, graphics, key figures as well as Q&As that can be quickly adapted and inform the public transparently about all measures.

Conducttr Germany Krisensimulation

Crisis Simulation

The more confident all participants are in a crisis, the better this special communicative situation can be managed. Existing knowledge and potential for improvement can be determined in a targeted manner through a contemporary, interactive crisis simulation. In cooperation with our subsidiary Conducttr Germany, we offer the conceptual design of individual scenarios as well as the implementation of the simulation including subsequent evaluation on the basis of predefined KPIs. Alternatively, interested parties can also purchase the software licence to create their own scenarios.

Conducttr Germany

Preventative Issues Management

Issues are conflicts that arise when stakeholder expectations are disappointed. They appear where an organisation’s actions clash with societal forces and trends that oppose them economically, socially, politically or morally. Contradictions that arise can develop into crises and cause significant damage to the business. We establish crisis prevention as a long-term management task and teach you how to recognise, evaluate and manage crises, issues and special situations systematically and in a rule-based manner.

We help you take precautions.